Research ArticleNatalia A. Matveeva Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Altai State Pedagogical University, Barnaul, Russia matveeva_n_a@mail.ruORCID ID=0000-0002-4545-1679Olga N. Zamyatina Candidate of Sociology Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia olga_zamjtina@mail.ruORCID ID=0000-0002-3240-0098Anastasia S. Mashkevich The Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University, St. Petersburg, Russia troninastya@gmail.comInnovations in the Russian School: Categorical Analysis, Social Realities and Barriers, Prospects. Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2023. Vol. 14. No. 4. P. 288-305The study was supported by the Russian Science Foundation and the St. Petersburg Science Foundation, grant No. 23-28-10010, based at the A.I. Herzen State Pedagogical University.Дата поступления статьи: 18.05.2023Topic: Educational system: resources and development potentialFor citation: Matveeva N. A., Zamyatina O. N., Mashkevich A. S. Innovations in the Russian School: Categorical Analysis, Social Realities and Barriers, Prospects. Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2023. Vol. 14. No. 4. P. 288-305DOI: EDN: SYECNKТекст статьиAbstractThe purpose of the article is to identify social barriers to innovation in modern Russian schools based on the analysis of empirical sociological material, to interpret them in the context of risks and consequences for the innovative development of the general education system. Preliminary to the analysis of empirical data, the authors conduct a categorical analysis of educational innovation. The need for significant improvement and expediency are emphasised as key characteristics of innovation. The innovativeness of education is considered in conjunction with the social functions of education and the professional activities of the teacher. The fetishisation of innovation and bureaucratic practices of managing it are justifiably pointed out as a source of social barriers to the development of innovative activity in a modern school. A relatively new contradiction in the sociology of education is identified between the need for innovative development of the general education system and the presence of social barriers to the innovative activity of all participants in educational relations. Based on the analysis of the results of a sociological study conducted by online questioning, the following barriers are identified: notional, conceptual, organisational, content-managerial, blurred perception of obstacles, professional overload, competence and information. It has been revealed that all the subjects of innovation activities at school act as social sources and carriers of barriers to innovation: teachers, the administration of an educational organisation, specialists from educational authorities. It has been determined that the impact of these factors on the innovative development of the general education system is complex and systemic. Taking into account the high risk of their negative impact on the innovative development of the general education system, specific areas of activity for researchers and managers are formulated on a local, regional and federal scale. They concern the elaboration of the problem of innovation in the interdisciplinary synthesis of scientific disciplines studying education; development of targets, planning technology, determination of content and performance indicators of innovative development of the general education system in Russia; increasing the professional level of teachers and education managers for innovative activities; changes in the principles of innovation management in education. 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