2025. Vol. 16. No. 1 DOI: 10.19181/vis.2025.16.1EDN: CSABLDDownload this IssueТopic of the Issue:Metamorphoses of ethnic and regional identityAksenova O. V.Stability and change: the risk of imbalance. P. 8-12DOI: 10.19181/vis.2025.16.1.1Full TextMetamorphoses of ethnic and regional identityArutyunova E. M.Ethnicity and regionality in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia): the significance and content of identities under external pressure. P. 13-29DOI: 10.19181/vis.2025.16.1.3Full TextVoronina N. S.Ethnocentrism in Russia: dynamics, specificity, and influencing factors. P. 30-49DOI: 10.19181/vis.2025.16.1.2Full TextMaximova S. G., Omelchenko D. A.Migration behaviour of the population of the inland mountainous regions of Eurasia in the context of climate change. P. 50-73DOI: 10.19181/vis.2025.16.1.4Full TextSociology of managementZaborova E. N.Rating of current problems of small towns of the Sverdlovsk region. P. 74-89DOI: 10.19181/vis.2025.16.1.5Full TextGermanov I. A., Kuznetsov A. E.Trust as a factor of corporate solidarity in industrial enterprises of Russia. P. 90-112DOI: 10.19181/vis.2025.16.1.6Full TextCar and Russians: peculiarities of transport behaviorKulakova T. V., Moiseeva M. A., Reshetova E. M., Shulika Y. E.Household life cycle and generational differences as factors in personal automobile ownership. P. 113-136DOI: 10.19181/vis.2025.16.1.7Full TextMakarevich S. K.Transport behaviour of Russian residents: is it possible to overcome the “cult of the automobile". P. 137-162DOI: 10.19181/vis.2025.16.1.8Full TextSocial PsychologyTkach S. ., Rusakova M. M., Sanadze Y. D.The impact of offline and online practices on teenage loneliness. P. 163-179DOI: 10.19181/vis.2025.16.1.9Full TextNazarova I. B.Entertainment as a way to counteract stress in the context of social turbulence. P. 180-199DOI: 10.19181/vis.2025.16.1.10Full TextReflecting on the readingsNasibullin R. T.Precariat in the labyrinths of challenges. P. 200-208DOI: 10.19181/vis.2025.16.1.11Full TextLevchenko N. V., Rogovaia A. V.A young sociologist's guide. P. 209-218DOI: 10.19181/vis.2025.16.1.12Full Text