About the Journal ISSN: 2221-1616 Publication frequency: quarterly. Founded in 2010 Editor-in-Chief Mikhail K. Gorshkov, Academician RAS Included in: White list (2nd level) Indexation: WoS RSCI, РИНЦ Double blind peer review Open Access The mission of the online peer-reviewed journal Vestnik Instituta sociologii (Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology) is to distribute the most relevant sociological and political studies provided by Russian scholars, especially in Russian regions. No less important for the journal is publishing the articles of foreign scholars to inform Russian researchers about current scientific directions of theoretical and methodological investigations of West and East researchers. The priority is accorded to materials based on current research results reflecting social and political aspects of Russian daily life, and socio-political processes of Russia and other countries. Main journals’ aims to support the further development of Russian sociology and political science, to respond the informational needs of specialists and professionals, government officials, representatives of public associations, and other citizens, and organizations, to promote the integration of professional community of sociologists and political scientists in Russian Federation, to distribute the achievements of Russian sociology and political science in the informational space of the post-Soviet states, to develop the informational exchange between Russian scholars and their colleagues from other countries. The journal was funded by the Institute of Sociology RAS since 2010. The Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology is published quarterly online. The journal provides permanent free access to all issues in PDF. There are no fees taken from the authors and no honorariums given for the papers. The journal has ISSN 2221-1616 (online) and is officially registered in the Federal Service for Supervision in the Area of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Electronic No. 77 - 73108). The journal is indexed by the Web of Science Russian Science Citation Index Editor-in-Chief M.K. Gorshkov, Academician, Director of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences Publisher Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Contacts: Krzhizhanovskogo Street, 24/35, korpus 5, 117218, Moscow, Russia. e-mail: vestnik@isras.ru