ISSN online: 2221-1616

Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology (Vestnik instituta sotziologii)

Research Article

Олеся О Никонова
Postgraduate student, assistant of the Department, Belgorod State National University
Searching for a new model of regional management (following the results of an expert survey conducted in 2016-2017).
Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2018. Vol. 9. No. 2. P. 66-77

This Article is downloaded: 21 times
Topic: Sociology of management: problems of reforming

For citation:
Никонова О. В. Searching for a new model of regional management (following the results of an expert survey conducted in 2016-2017). Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2018. Vol. 9. No. 2. P. 66-77


This article examines such an issue as increasing demands towards the efficiency of regional management. Modern society demands not only economic efficiency from the government, but also for its activities to provide serviceable and useful results. The author analyzes certain dysfunctions within the interactions between civic society and authorities, which are a result of non-transparent government, the latter’s clumsiness and a certain degree of detachment from the public’s interests. The main vector for change is aspiring to debureaucratize governing bodies, and searching for a new model, which would be restricted in its functionality, under full control by civic society, and able to ensure productive development of government and regional management. Otherwise administrations (both on federal and regional levels) will lose their management capacity. This article presents certain results of the author’s interregional sociological (expert) survey, dedicated to revealing and analyzing the factors which hamper the effective operation of regional authorities and management. This study exposes mechanisms for neutralizing the main destructive tendencies within the regional management system.


state administration, civil control, power dysfunction, openness of authority, utility of power, effectiveness of state administration, paradigm of the entrepreneurial state.


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