ISSN online: 2221-1616

Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology (Vestnik instituta sotziologii)

Research Article

Ольга О Чоросова, Doctor of Pedagogics associate of other organizaiton, , Candidate of psychological sciences in, Doctor of pedagogical sciences, Professor of the Department of Andragogy, Director of Institute of Continuing Professional Education, Institute of Continuing Professional Education, North-Eastern Federal University. Yakutsk, Russia.
Yakutian teachers’ continuous professional education and adaptation issues in current conditions.
Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2016. Vol. 7. No. 2. P. 113-128

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Topic: Social strata and groups: the potential of innovation activity

For citation:
Чоросова О. М. Yakutian teachers’ continuous professional education and adaptation issues in current conditions. Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2016. Vol. 7. No. 2. P. 113-128


This article sheds light on such issues as teachers’ continuous professional education, associated with the latter’s adaptation qualities in current conditions of transformation, its significance when it comes to intercultural collaboration, and its role in the professional and personal growth of teachers from the Sakha Republic (Yakutia); also cited is data from a sociological survey conducted among Yakutian teachers who took part in a remote interactive training program. This article examines such issues as teachers’ professional health within the context of current transformational processes associated with continuous teacher training in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia). In this respect, a comparative approach towards examining the current state of continuous professional training for adults from north-east Russia, the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) and northern circumpolar states (the US state Alaska, Canada; educational institutions – members of the University of the Arctic) presents some interest. A comparative study of the professional and personal health of teachers who work at schools in Yakutia (elementary, general and senior levels), as well as in northern circumpolar states, with the aim to subsequently work out a strategy for developing a regional integrative system of continuous pedagogical training as one of the mechanisms for effectively organizing the process of adapting to modern conditions, looks to be relevant indeed. In order to compare the results, a set of tools was used from sociological surveys conducted in the 2000’s, specifically – the one used in the following studies: “Examining the professional and personal health of teachers from the Sakha Republic (Yakutia)” (2000, O.M. Chorosova, A.S. Postnikov); “Teachers in an evolving society” (2005, O.M. Chorosova, U.A. Vinokurova, R.E. Gerasimova). We can observe rather drastically differing opinions when examining the answers given to questions – ranging from high appreciation to extremely negative assessments. Since the poll was anonymous, it is impossible to determine the possible reasons for such an effect: we know nothing about the age, work record or position of the respondents, which would have, based on age and experience, allowed us to claim that young specialists have not adapted sufficiently to their profession, or, on the contrary, that older and more experienced teachers have demonstrated symptoms associated with emotional “burnout”. Despite this, the answers that were obtained do paint a certain picture, and an objective one at that, since it shows the entire spectrum of teachers’ attitudes and opinions, including complete indifference, emotional disregard for their profession.


adult education, adaptation, continuous professional education, culture, value, growth, comparative study, education as an asset


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