Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Политика авторства [name_en] => Authorship policy ) ) Authorship policy

ISSN online: 2221-1616

Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology (Vestnik instituta sotziologii)

All parties that made substantial contribution in the research presented in the article and in the article preparation (data collection and analysis, article concept development and text creation) shall be indicated as co-authors of the article. Co-authors list may not include any parties that did not participate in the relevant work. If any individual provided assistance in the manuscript preparation in any way the extent of which is not sufficient for the purpose of indicating such individual as co-author (academic advisory services, technical editing, translation, proofreading, etc.), gratitude to such individual shall be expressed in a separate reference.

Co-authors shall determine the sequence of their names by themselves. The manuscript submission to the Editorial team implies that all co-authors have been familiarized with the text version submitted and all information contained therein, and agree with such.

The interests of a group of authors shall be represented by one person who shall inform the remaining authors of the results of manuscript-related work.

The authors shall ensure settlement of any conflicts of interests related to the copyright to and publication of the article submitted. Submitting their any manuscript to the Editorial team, the authors guarantee that the article publication does not infringe any existing copyright.

Plagiarism and unethical research activities

Authors of any article shall draw upon consistent research results verified using methods recognized in sociology. Knowingly erroneous or false data and conclusions based on such are not acceptable.

Authors shall guarantee the entire originality of the research results presented in the manuscript submitted by them. Third-party content fragments or statements shall be accompanied by a reference specifying the author and the primary source. Excessive third-party content and plagiarism in any form, including quotes that are not presented in a proper way or paraphrasing or usurpation of any third-party research results are unethical, and therefore are not acceptable.

Authors shall recognize contributions of all parties in the research process; in particular, any article shall contain references to any works that influenced the research.

The following is not acceptable:

Copying a text of any other author word by word without indicating his/her authorship, reference to the source and quotation marks.

Incorrect paraphrasing of a work of any other author by changing more than one sentence within a paragraph or section of the text, or by changing the sequence of the sentences without any reference to the source.

Use of graphical elements of a work of any other author without indicating his/her authorship (picture, table, etc.) and reference to the source. Authors shall obtain a permission of the copyright holder for the use of any elements contained in his/her work.

Self-plagiarism. If any manuscript fragments were published in any other article earlier, the authors shall reference to such earlier work, specify the difference between the new work and the previous one in material respects, and at the same time identify the connection of the new work with the research results and conclusions presented in the previous work.

Self-quoting. The bibliography may contain a maximum of 20% of works by the manuscript authors.

Any violation of the above conditions may form grounds for article rejection. Case-by-case decisions are based on the violation severity and deliberateness/non-deliberateness. In particular cases, the Editorial team may refuse to cooperate with the author in perpetuity.

Should plagiarism or unethical research practices be revealed following an article publication, such article will be revoked from the journal with an appropriate notice on the website.

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