Institute of Sociology of the FCTAS RAS, Moscow, The Articles in this Journal:Biyzhanova E. K.From unipolarity to unpolarity: to the question of changes in the geopolitical configuration of the world (2023' 44) Kalinina I. V.Biyzhanova E. K.The southern border regions of the Far East: socio-cultural and infrastructural transformation (2020' 35) Biyzhanova E. K.Center and periphery: dialogue or unused opportunities? Notes of the participant of a seminar (2019' 29) Biyzhanova E. K.All-Russian scientific and practical seminar “Family and social wellbeing in the context of mobility” in Vladivostok (2018' 26) Biyzhanova E. K.Borderland as an Object of Study (2014' 11) Biyzhanova E. K.Тюркские социологи о тюркском мире и о собственной роли в его развитии (2010' 1)