ISSN online: 2221-1616

Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology (Vestnik instituta sotziologii)

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Te    Th    To    Tr    Ty   

 Technosphere of Russia: problems and risks of development
Шаповалова И. С.
No 18, 2016

 Temporality of trauma (reflecting on the book by Zh. T. Toshchenko)
Yarskaya-Smirnova V. V.
No 44, 2023

 The ability to secure a job as a resource for personal professional adaptation
Mozgovaya A. V., Яишников А. Ю.
No 26, 2018

 The Basic Income Paradigm and Its Impact on Human Development Opportunities
Bobkov V. N.
No 47, 2023

 The basis of development as a socio-cultural issue (on the question of the mediation theory of western society’s evolution)
Davydov A. P.
No 24, 2018

 The Breakthrough in the Eera of the Reformation
Krassin Y. A.
No 13, 2015

 The common and the particular in using the time-resource of everyday life among workers of various ages
Karakhanova T. M., Bolshakova O. A.
No 22, 2017

 The conceptual foundations for the sociology of lifestyle
Vozmitel A. A.
No 23, 2017

 The construct of masculinity in the culture of modern Russia’s new working class
Гаврилюк Т. В.
No 29, 2019

 The Constructed and the Real in Mediatization: Interpretation of the Second World War by the West and Russia
Iakoba I. A.
No 47, 2023

 The Critics of Russian authoritarianism
Галкин А. А., Krassin Y. A.
No 8, 2014

 The Culture of Corruption: Theoretical Concept Construct
Каменский Е. Г.
No 11, 2014

 The development of the public sphere in Russia as a necessary condition for resolution of social conflicts
Voronkova O. A.
No 12, 2015

 The economic behavior of people living in apartment buildings
Киселёв И. Ю., Овчинникова Н. В., Смирнова А. Г.
No 31, 2019

 The economic consciousness of Russians and the processes of modernization
Mareeva S. V.
No 3, 2011

 The economic status of Russia’s working population: objective and subjective dimensions
Kolennikova N. D.
No 24, 2018

 The ethno-linguistic behavior of Kazan’s young residents (based on materials from half-formalized interviews)
Makarova G. I.
No 22, 2017

 The evolutionary sociology of J.Turner: An introduction to the concept of Spencer selection
Grigoryev D. S.
No 40, 2022

 The Feature of Network and Niche Approaches in Studying of Orthodox Parish in Russia and Abroad
Podlesnaia M. A.
No 11, 2014

 The Formation of Young People’s Orientations in The Sphere of Education
Konstantinovskiy D. L.
No 19, 2016

 The fourth technological revolution and deep shifts in globalization processes
Яницкий О. Н.
No 21, 2017

 The future of society according to future Russian lawyers
Ушкин С. Г., Коваль Е. А.
No 34, 2020

 The health-preserving technologies in the system of university education of Russia
Ivakhnenko G. A.
No 6, 2013

 The historical memory of Russians in sociological surveys: foundations, reality, problems
Fadeev P. V.
No 37, 2021

 The human capital of the Russian working class: status and factors
Karavay A. V.
No 17, 2016

 The idea of social protest among Russian youth of the Far East
Marin E. B.
No 36, 2021

 The image of a corrupt official as perceived by Russia’s youth: using the unfinished sentences method
Pinchuk A. N., Tikhomirov D. A.
No 29, 2019

 The Image Of Teachers` Professional Corporation In British And Russian Media
Kolesnikova E. M.
No 6, 2013

 The Image of the "Smart City" Innopolis: Concepts and Everyday Life
Iskineeva F. F., Ozerova K. A., Ishkineeva G. F.
No 37, 2021

 The impact of education on youth volunteer practices in conditions of the general formalisation of the system: the case of the Sverdlovsk Region
Shuklina E. A., Pevnaya M. V., Minchenko D. V.
No 45, 2023

 The impact of employment factors on the perception of work-life balance among employees
Burkhanova F. B., Baimurzina G. R., Turakayev M. S.
No 43, 2022

 The impact of inequality on the quality of human potential in Russia
Кирута А. Я.
No 3, 2011

 The impact of internal and external migration on demography, economy and interethnic relations in the Republic of Dagestan
Adiev A. Z.
No 32, 2020

 The importance of the past and relationships in social networks
Шпочиньски А. .
No 30, 2019

 The influence of citizens on the decision-making process (on the example of the problem of homeless animals)
Levchenko N. V.
No 3, 2011

 The influence of gender characteristics on the professional activity of management and subordinate staff
Ужахова Л. М., Саакова В. В., Утегенова В. Б., Данилюк А. А.
No 32, 2020

 The informational-communicative risks of actively transitioning political relations to the web
Mikhaylyonok O. M.
No 30, 2019

 The informatization of regional government: issues and prospects
Bogdanov V. S.
No 25, 2018

 The international nature of modern education: foreign students’ adaptation to Russian universities
Iskineeva F. F., Ozerova K. A., Кавеева А. Д., Ахметова С. А., Фурсова В. В.
No 20, 2017

 The issue of social inequality in terms of health: a comparative study of Russia within the European context
Rusinova N. L., Safronov V. V.
No 28, 2019

 The knowledge field of languages sociology
Макушева М. О.
No 5, 2012

 The life of an Orthodox emigrant and the Russian parish abroad as an object of sociological study
Podlesnaia M. A.
No 4, 2012

 The living standards and lifestyle of the poor in a regional society
Кошарная Г. Б., Каримова Л. Ф.
No 18, 2016

 The Main Thing – the Party Reorganization
Krassin Y. A.
No 16, 2016

 The Media as a Driving Factor Behind the Attitude Towards Immigrants
Fadeev P. V.
No 15, 2015

 The method for imitation model structuring (Using the unified state exam average score in Russian regions as an example)
Филипова А. Г., Высоцкая А. В.
No 23, 2017

 The mining industry in the cross-borders regions of Russia and Mongolia: social and environmental aspects
Aktamov I. G.
No 18, 2016

 The mobility of Ural region company town residents: social practices and peculiarities of city spaces
Anikieva A. V., Shvindt U. S.
No 35, 2020

 The need for professional and personal mentorship in modern society
Koren`kova M. M.
No 29, 2019

 The North-South problem: on the possibilities of comparing interregional inequalities in Italy and Russia
Kolomiecz V. K.
No 50, 2024

 The origin and the present state of the Russian creative Class
Volkov Y. G.
No 5, 2012

 The paradoxes of modern development: Mankind on the edge of a historic bifurcation
Veber A. B.
No 24, 2018

 The phenomenon of digital volunteerism in emergency situations: its essence, types and theoretical framework
Basheva O. A., Ermolayeva P. O.
No 32, 2020

 The phenomenon of network-centrism in conditions of modern cognitive opposition: on the example of the analysis of the Kherson case
Yarmak O. V., Bakulin A. V., Bakulin D. V.
No 45, 2023

 The phenomenon of regional subjectness in solving the issue of reforming Russia’s system of government
Merzlykov A. A.
No 25, 2018

 The Political Economy Of Ethnicity
Колье(Collier) П. .
No 6, 2013

 The Political Parties and Socio-political Development of Border Regions of Russia: The Experience of Direct Watch
Podyachev K. V.
No 11, 2014

 The population dynamic in Russian municipal formations from 2010 to 2018
Patsiorkovsky V. V., Simagin Y. A., Murtuzalieva D. J.
No 30, 2019

 The Population’s Perception of Foreign Policy Results – the Peculiarities
Киселёв И. Ю., Смирнова А. Г.
No 19, 2016

 The population’s potential for subjectness in regards to national projects
Merzlykov A. A.
No 35, 2020

 The position of impoverished citizens in a region’s social structure (based on material from Orel Province)
Алексеёнок А. А., Каира Ю. В., Колмогоров Е. В.
No 34, 2020

 The preconditions and problems of partaking in innovational activities
Kozyreva P. M., Smirnov A. I.
No 17, 2016

 The problem of assessing the religious composition and level of religiosity of the population of countries and regions
Balabeikina O. A.
No 49, 2024

 The Problem of Choosing Life Paths by Youth in Russian Regions (Based on Field Research at VSTU)
Dulina N. V., Petruneva R. M.
No 46, 2023

 The problem of loneliness in the urban environment: experience of cities in the Russian Far East
Panfilova A. O.
No 45, 2023

 The problem of reform and the problem of archaization
Ахиезер А. С.
No 5, 2012

 The problem of suicidal behaviour in the student environment: experience of empirical study
Puzanova Z. V., Larina T. I., Sycheva O. A.
No 45, 2023

 The Problem of “small-fry”, Education Inequalities And Efficiency Of Universities As Indicators Of Social-Economic Development
Kliucharev G. A.
No 6, 2013

 The problem with reforming our country’s system of government: addition to the history of developing a research program
Tikhonov A. V.
No 25, 2018

 The problems of consolidation in local communities
Babintsev V. P.
No 17, 2016

 The proportions of “civil order” and “development”
Krassin Y. A.
No 21, 2017

 The qualitative component of the individual programme for the socio-economic development of one of the regions of the Yenisei Siberia
Mongush S. P.
No 44, 2023

 The Regional Specifics of the Development of a Civil Society in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic
Atlaskirov A. R.
No 35, 2020

 The resource aspects of social conjunction
Кармадонов О. А., Ковригина Г. Д.
No 17, 2016

 The role of language in the process of national state formation: the experience of Italy
Егорова М. А.
No 5, 2012

 The role of socio-professional teachers’ unions in a situation when the education system is being modernized
Проказина Н. В., Ланцев В. Л.
No 33, 2020

 The Russian budgetary reform in municipal authorities's judgements
Shmerlina I. A.
No 7, 2013

 The Russian precariat: human capital accumulation of different age groups
Golenkova Z. T., Goliusova Y. V.
No 18, 2016

 The scope of Russian people’s problems and risks for social stability
Lezhnina Y. P.
No 27, 2018

 The Sea-Shore System and Sustainable Development of Crimea
Драчёва М. В.
No 15, 2015

 The social attitudes and adaptation practices of people living in Rostov province within the context of everyday Russian life during crisis
Volkov Y. G., Bineeva N. K., Посухова О. Ю., Сериков А. В.
No 21, 2017

 The Social Attitudes of the Students in the Field of Environmental Improvement
Ivanova L. Y.
No 9, 2014

 The social capital of the Polish village (in the context of Poland's integration into the EU)
Шафранец К. .
No 3, 2011

 The social community of parents as a part of civil society
Shabrova N. V.
No 32, 2020

 The social inequality profile in the Central Federal regions
Проказина Н. В., Алексеёнок А. А., Каира Ю. В.
No 18, 2016

 The social positioning and social practices of Russian millenials
Авраамова Е. М.
No 30, 2019

 The social status of Russian youth: ideas and reality
Mareeva S. V.
No 41, 2022

 The societal risk in the new tendencies for increasing drug use
Pozdnyakova M. E., Bruno V. V.
No 24, 2018

 The socio-cultural conditions for the adaptation of “new” ethnic groups in the Republic of Tatarstan
Габдрахманова Г. Ф., Сагдиева Э. А.
No 28, 2019

 The sociological “arrow of time” in the XXI century: innovations in materials from Global sociology conventions
Kravtchenko S. A.
No 27, 2018

 The sociologist must remain free, honest and useful to society
Zadorin I. V.
No 41-2, 2022

 The Sociology of Russian Change
Aksenova O. V.
No 44, 2023

 The sociovital nature of religiosity in the everyday life of the Don Cossacks
Skorik A. P., Shadrina A. V.
No 49, 2024

 The southern border regions of the Far East: socio-cultural and infrastructural transformation
Kalinina I. V., Biyzhanova E. K.
No 35, 2020

 The state of and issues with the socio-cultural integration of the Crimea into Russia (First Crimean sociological forum)
Uzunov V. V., Chigrin V. A., Zakharova V. A.
No 27, 2018

 The structuration of Russian society in the 19th and early 20th century (based on the works of domestic researchers)
Belyaeva L. A.
No 33, 2020

 The structure of protest thinking and the idea of social protest of the youth generations "Y" and "Z" in the Far East and Moscow
Marin E. B.
No 40, 2022

 The student time-budget and their adaptation to educational activities
Bolshakova O. A., Karakhanova T. M.
No 38, 2021

 The subject of social action in Russia’s current development: actor, agent, nobody?
Aksenova O. V.
No 33, 2020

 The system of political planning in the government bodies of the Russian Federation
Глухов К. В.
No 3, 2011

 The Town of Belev: Research of Visual Environment
Bogdanov V. S.
No 7, 2013

 The traditional economic practices of Mongolian-speaking nomads: peculiarities and opportunities for the development of livestock farming in Mongolia’s and Russia’s adjacent territories
Badaraev D. D.
No 18, 2016

 The typology of modern society’s critical conditions
Яницкий О. Н.
No 32, 2020

 The value markers of Russians’ cultural and historical identity
Kuznetsov I. M.
No 22, 2017

 The War of Identities
Дибиров А. З., Белоусов Е. В.
No 11, 2014

 The “Scientific School” in Scientific Policy and Social Research
Kozlova L. A.
No 10, 2014

 Theoretical approaches towards examining the adaptation of migrants to the host society: foreign practices
Endryushko A. A.
No 23, 2017

 Theoretical constructs and experience of empirical analysis of patriotism in modern Russian sociology
Ivchenkova M. S., Bukhanskii I. I.
No 49, 2024

 To the blessed memory of Alexander Abramovich Galkin

No 40, 2022

 To the blessed memory of Valeriy Vasilievich Markin

No 40, 2022

 To The Blessed Memory Of Vladimir Vasilyevitch Petukhov

No 36, 2021

 To the question of applying the concept of scientific-educational knowledge in sociology
Zborovsky G. E.
No 43, 2022

 To the Reader

No 41-2, 2022

 Towards a scientific interpretation of the social effectiveness of education
Osipov A. M.
No 50, 2024

 Tradition in Russian Modernity
Aksenova O. V.
No 49, 2024

 Transformation of drug behaviour patterns in the Russian Federation in the context of the spread of coronavirus infection
Pozdnyakova M. E., Bruno V. V.
No 43, 2022

 Transformation of the education system in the context of spatial development of the region (on the example of the Republic of Crimea)
Zhavoronkova O. R., Korolenko J. N.
No 48, 2024

 Transformation Processes in Modern Crimea
Khaliy I. A.
No 15, 2015

 Trends of Russian modernity: empiric research and theorizing
Aksenova O. V.
No 45, 2023

 Trust and Distrust in Self-Regulation of the Emotional State of the Subjects of Social Interactions (on the Example of the Ukrainian Society)
Chuprov V. I., Zubok Y. A., Михеева В. В.
No 10, 2014

 Trust in universities as a factor for overcoming educational inefficiency
Zborovsky G. E., Ambarova P. A.
No 31, 2019

 Typical socio-economic behavioural orientations of women in the Tatarstan labour market
Gnevasheva V. A., Ildarhanova C. I.
No 36, 2021