Articles in Section Russian realitites: modern challenges?Яницкий О. Н.Is social forecasting of the mobile world’s dynamics currently possible?Никитина Б. А.“Zimnyaya Vishnya” and the “Yardovo” landfill as two sides of the same coin: difficulties in comprehending the obviousНикитина Б. А.“Zimnyaya Vishnya” and the “Yardovo” landfill as two sides of the same coin: difficulties in comprehending the obviousГабдрахманова Г. Ф.Сагдиева Э. А.The socio-cultural conditions for the adaptation of “new” ethnic groups in the Republic of TatarstanДроздова Ю. А.Resource approach in studying territorial communitiesИвченков С. Г.Сайганова Е. В.Patriotism as a component of public consciousness: a generational measurement perspective