ISSN online: 2221-1616

Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology (Vestnik instituta sotziologii)

Research Article

Aslanbek Z. Adiev Candidate of Political Science
RCER DFRC RAS, Makhachkala, Russia
ORCID ID=0000-0003-4459-7462
Prevention of extremism and terrorism in schools: experience of the republic of Dagestan.
Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2024. Vol. 15. No. 3. P. 172-188

The article was prepared as part of the realization of a grant from the head of the Republic of Dagestan for carrying out initiative research in the field of humanitarian sciences. Project “Prevention of extremism and terrorism in secondary schools: experience of the Republic of Dagestan”.

Дата поступления статьи: 02.07.2024
Topic: Problems of education in Russia

For citation:
Adiev A. Z. Prevention of extremism and terrorism in schools: experience of the republic of Dagestan. Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2024. Vol. 15. No. 3. P. 172-188


The article presents the results of the study of preventive anti-terrorist educational work among students of general education schools of the Republic of Dagestan. It is noted that this work with school youth is carried out systematically and comprehensively with the participation of not only teachers, but also external subjects of preventive influence on adolescents from among representatives of law enforcement agencies, various ministries and departments authorised in the field of youth, information and state national policy, cultural and art figures, representatives of the official Muslim clergy, athletes, deputies, veterans of the Special Military Operation and other public opinion leaders. It was revealed that the main format of this work is a thematic preventive conversation with schoolchildren, that requires certain pedagogical skills and competencies. Using a formalised expert survey of school teachers and a series of research interviews, an assessment of the effectiveness of this activity was identified, as well as problems that hinder the improvement of the quality of anti-extremist educational work with Dagestani youth. Noting the importance and usefulness of this work, the interviewed teachers point to a number of problems and factors that reduce its effectiveness. The workload of teachers with "paperwork", frequent demands for various kinds of reports on the work done, formalism, holding events without taking into account the age and individual characteristics of students, incompetence, lack of understanding and support from the parent community, weak interest in such events from both teachers and schoolchildren and a number of other factors hinder the improvement of the quality of anti-terrorist educational work with Dagestani youth. It seems that the prevention of extremism and terrorism is part of the general educational impact of the comprehensive school institution on a child, raising him to be a moral, law-abiding and patriotic citizen. To improve the quality of this work, it is important to raise the authority of school teachers at the state level, since a teacher without authority is a bad educator for teenagers not only in the area of countering the spread of the ideology of extremism and terrorism, but also in the matter of spiritual, moral and patriotic education in general.


work with youth, Republic of Dagestan, prevention of extremism and terrorism, school, event, teacher, parents, training

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