Research ArticleNatalya N. Sedova Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia nnsedova@inbox.ruORCID ID=0000-0001-8492-7847Features of Transformation of Worldview Attitudes among Russian Youth in the Context of Geopolitical Conflict. Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2023. Vol. 14. No. 4. P. 176-198Дата поступления статьи: 16.09.2023Topic: Contradictions and consolidation in Russian societyFor citation: Sedova N. N. Features of Transformation of Worldview Attitudes among Russian Youth in the Context of Geopolitical Conflict. Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2023. Vol. 14. No. 4. P. 176-198DOI: EDN: XQEVZGТекст статьиAbstractDrawing from nationwide surveys conducted between 2006 and 2023, this study illustrates the specific transformation of worldview attitudes among Russian youth aged 18-24 compared to the general population. This transformation occurs within the context of the global confrontation between Russia and the collective West. The analysis focuses on the clash between two ideological positions: advocates for a Western-oriented path of development for Russia and proponents of civilisational sovereignty, advocating for a unique developmental path for the country. The examination revolves around three groups of indicators: 1. Perceptions of the country's development path and its position in the world (indicators: perceptions of the necessity and priorities of changes within the country; ideas about Russia's place in the world; assessment of the path Russia is following). 2. Views on societal structure (ideas about an ideal model for human-state-society relations; desired image of the future Russia). 3. Life values and attitudes (prioritisation of individual interests versus societal interests; perspectives on actions required to achieve personal goals). The conclusion drawn is that the new phase of societal transformations in Russia, beginning with the onset of special military operations in Ukraine in February 2022, presented a significant challenge to Russian society as a whole, particularly impacting the youth aged 18-24. The primary vector of events, marked by heightened confrontation between Russia and the West, conflicted with the worldview perceptions of the youth. A considerable part of the youth was oriented toward a model of country development resembling contemporary Western societies, embracing liberal-democratic principles in state governance, and seeking opportunities to shape life strategies within a transnational environment. However, based on the data from 2023, the potential bifurcation point in the mindsets of the youth has been passed. The emerging divergence in attitudes among 18-24-year-old Russians from the overall trend in societal mood is diminishing. There is a reduced demand for change, reaching its lowest point, and the level of trust in key government representatives is at or below the corresponding indicators for the general population. Instead, there appears to be a shift toward more intricate processes of adaptation among the youth aged 18-24 to the current situation. They seem to be searching for compromises between their previously held attitudes and the changing reality they face.Keywordsyouth, worldview, values, attitudes, norms, interests, Westernisers, Slavophiles, West, confrontation, changes, traditions, demand, future, image of the future, human rightsReferences Andreev A. L., Petukhov V. V. Russia and the world around. How changes the attitude of Russians towards the Europe – Asia paradigm. Svobodnaia mysl, 2015: 3: 107–118 (in Russ.). EDN: UJZENX. Anikin V. A. The crisis and national self-consciousness of Russians. 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