Research ArticleEgor B. Marin Candidate of Historical Sciences Associate Professor, Department of history, political science and state and legal disciplines, The Maritime state University named after Admiral G.I. Nevelskoy; Associate Professor, Department of social and political Sciences, Far Eastern Federal University egor-marin@yandex.ruORCID ID=0000-0002-0409-5065Youth protest moods in Primorsky Region (on the example of students). Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2018. Vol. 9. No. 3. P. 63-82This Article is downloaded: 354 times Topic: Political Processes: Social Protests and Protest MoodsFor citation: Marin E. B. Youth protest moods in Primorsky Region (on the example of students). Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2018. Vol. 9. No. 3. P. 63-82DOI:Текст статьиAbstractThis article examines protest activity and attitudes towards protest among Primorsky territory youths. It is based on materials from a sociological study conducted in 2017, during which 251 students and trainees from Primorsky territory higher educational facilities were polled: from the Far Eastern Federal University, the G.I. Nevelskoi Maritime State University in Vladivostok and a subsidiary of the Vladivostok State University of Economics and Services in Nakhodka. The main goal was to examine the key aspects of protest awareness among Primorsky territory students. As shown by this poll, college youths of the region demonstrate a rather high level of willingness to partake in protest. Given varied formulation of the question, anywhere from 12 to 30% of polled students claimed to be willing to partake in protests. 37.5% of those surveyed claimed a positive or indifferent attitude towards participants of protests. Only 3.1% believe that such protests should be prohibited. If these results are anything to go by, then Primorsky territory youths would not approve of protests being suppressed. Our study revealed significant protest factors – social issues which concern youths the most. These are mainly issues in the social, legal and economic field. The least important issues turned out to be those associated with power structures and the realm of politics. A low index of protest potential is inherent to issues in the realm of national and religious policy. Approximately 4.7% of students reported experience participating in unauthorized protests. Another 5.5% intend to partake in such. In total about 10% of polled students can be considered a certain “protest core”, consisting of people who either have already partaken in protest, or clearly declare the intent to do so in the future. Survey data and the results of its analysis show, in our opinion, that there is a need to take a firm stance when it comes to youth policy and providing Russian youths with additional opportunity to fulfill their interests and exercise their rights.Keywordspolitical protest, students, Primorye, protests, political consciousness, youth.ReferencesAkunina J. A. Molodezhnye dvizheniya sovremennoy Rossii: protest i sozidanie [Youth movements in modern Russia: protest and creativity]. Vestnik MGUKI, 2011, no 3 (41), pp. 123–127 (in Russ.). Artyukhina V. A. Osmyslenie sotsial'nogo protesta v otechestvennoy sotsiologii: analiz osnovnykh podkhodov [Sociological interpretation of social protest: reviewing basic contemporary approaches]. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya, 2017, no 11, pp. 30–34. DOI: 10.7868/S0132162517110046 (in Russ.). 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