ISSN online: 2221-1616

Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology (Vestnik instituta sotziologii)

Research Article

Зинаида З Бутуева, Candidate of Philosophy, Associate professor, associate of other organizaiton, , Candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor,Buriatsky State University, Ulan-Ude, Republic of Buriatiya, Russia.
Social Well-Being of Elderly People in the Republic of Buriatiya: Regional Aspect.
Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2016. Vol. 7. No. 4. P. 121-135

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Topic: Social Well-Being

For citation:
Бутуева З. А. Social Well-Being of Elderly People in the Republic of Buriatiya: Regional Aspect. Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2016. Vol. 7. No. 4. P. 121-135


This article examines the main approaches and factors of the social health of elderly people within the regional aspect. The following conclusion is made: social health as a form of emotional- value consciousness emerges as the result of people subjectively experiencing their specific condition, and it changes under the influence of a person’s internal structure and the surrounding social environment. Analyzed is the structure of those factors which affect social health, with the former including subjective and objective components. The subjective characteristics of elderly people’s social health include the following: personal features, values, emotional state in general, confidence in their future. Objective characteristics focus on such components as: age, education, health, material and marital status. Changes in social health are affected by the current socio- economic and ethno-political situation in the country and on its outskirts. That’s why it is essential to examine the social health of elderly people within a regional aspect. The Republic of Buriatiya, being a multi-ethnic region, is characterized by multiple religions, a heterogenic socio-economic environment, being situated on the border, and somepeculiar cultural traditions. A harsh climate, low population density and a large distance from Russia’s political and cultural centers define the republic as a region which is isolated from the country’s mainstream socio-cultural environment. These peculiarities form a unique environment, which impacts the population’s social health. Based on the research conducted, a conclusion is drawn that the age groups of elderly people are dissimilar, which is demonstrated by the way they evaluate their life satisfaction, material status, values, and confidence in the future. The following factors seriously impact social health: age, education, marital status. The following values are considered to be important among elderly people (in descending order): home, family, health, material well-being, confidence in the future, feeling of security. These components influence the level and degree of elderly people’s involvement in institutional relations, and they are directly connected to social health.


aging of the population, older people, social well-being factors, methods of measurement, subjective life satisfaction, the region, the Republic of Buriatiya.


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