Research Article
Grigory A. Kliucharev, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, main researcher, ,
Frants E. Sheregi, Candidate of Philosophy associate of other organizaiton, , Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, General Director of the Center for Social Forecasting and Marketing, Moscow, Russia
Anna V. Chursina , officer on education and training methods, ,
Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2016. Vol. 7. No. 4. P. 75-93
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Kliucharev G. A., Sheregi F. E., Chursina A. V. On the Effectiveness of Continuous Education in High-Tech Industrial Enterprises. Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2016. Vol. 7. No. 4. P. 75-93
Continuous education1 in the form of personnel training, advanced training, training in the workplace, informing and consulting, self-education, implementing creative environments for inno-vative creativity, and certain other forms of educational activities are the main means of producing human capital given conditions when high-tech business is emerging and developing. This article considers the following thesis: the idea of “continuous education” should be viewed from different points of view, such as legal, economic. Addressed is the matter of the relationship between education and professional activities. Noted is the fact that employees’ educational behavior is one of the fac- tors of production development. Special attention is paid to such an aspect as continuous education while studying large-scale and average high-tech enterprises. This article analyzes data from a study conducted at high-tech enterprises, involving employees who had passed advanced training courses, those who hadn’t attended the latter, as well as the management of these enterprises’. Considered is the way in which attending such advanced training courses (including corporate ones) influences the job-satisfaction level of employees at high-tech industrial enterprises, as well as the development of those qualities which are necessary for them to perform their duties. Examined was the degree in which attending advanced training courses affected a laborer’s salary (both actual and desired). Separately studied were the opinions of the executives at such companies, opinions concerning those qualities which are necessary to perform management functions. The following observation was made: there exist four groups of competences necessary for successful participation in innovative work. Revealed is the fact that additional education determines the development of those industrial enterprises with a high concentration of intellectuals, by means of forming employees’ technological competences. The following conclusion is made: the criterion used to assess effectiveness of training in the workplace – namely, salary increases for studying employees – while it may be commonplace in worldwide practice, however, it is not very reliable on account of “grey salary” practices. Described are the peculiarities when it comes to employers choosing between institutional or corporate additional education. Considered are three levels for analyzing the effectiveness of investing into additional professional training.
Continuing education, science intensive industries, reproduction of scientific and engineering personnel, efficiency of training and retraining.
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