ISSN online: 2221-1616

Bulletin of the Institute of Sociology (Vestnik instituta sotziologii)

Research Article

Tatyana M. Karakhanova, Candidate of Economics leading researcher, , Candidate of economical Science, Leading Researcher, Institute of Sociology of the FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia
Domestic work as consumption behavior.
Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2014. Vol. 5. No. 1. P. 108-130

This Article is downloaded: 952 times
Topic: Time budget

For citation:
Karakhanova T. M. Domestic work as consumption behavior. Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2014. Vol. 5. No. 1. P. 108-130


The article analyzes the types of domestic labor (values, motives, timing, household problems) based on the data of own complex comparative studies of labor, everyday life and rest of the population held in 1986–2008. Home labor unites various types of unpaid productive and non-productive labor: at home, on ground, in the service sector. Home labor includes also children care, their upbringing. The sum of the above groups of types of home labor is called “household activities”. The analysis of the attitude towards household activities has shown that in the final consumption of a household, the productive home labor and self-servicing continue to play a highly significant role. The hierarchy of verbal assessments of the degree of significance of the occupation groups does not depend on gender. The assessments of significance also do not differ by sex among the working urban population, some differences are observed only in the assessments of childcare and their upbringing. As for assessments of the importance of home and agricultural labor, they are higher among the interviewed women as compared to men, including those working. A direct relationship between age and verbal indicators of the value of household activity types has been revealed. Also, the feedback of the household income level and the time spent on work at home and self-service among working men and women has been revealed. Motives for attitudes toward household activities indicate that as the age increases, so does the importance of home labor and the importance of the spare time occupations decreases. The dynamics of subjective indicators of the value of home and agricultural labor, on average, for urban residents testifies to the increased importance of these activities, and notably, due to the growth of self-esteem in men. Subjective indicators of attitudes toward household activities are evidence of recognizing of its importance.


domestic work, use of time, value, motives


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