Research ArticleMargarita E. Pozdnyakova Candidate of Philosophy Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia margo417@isras.ruORCID ID=0000-0002-7896-5115Viktoria V. Bruno Candidate of Sociology Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia victoria.bruno@mail.ruORCID ID=0000-0001-9735-024XDevelopment of the Information and Network Environment and Deviant Behaviour: Cybercrime as a New Social Threat. Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2024. Vol. 15. No. 4. P. 235-254Дата поступления статьи: 25.06.2024Topic: Risks of social metamorphosisFor citation: Pozdnyakova M. E., Bruno V. V. Development of the Information and Network Environment and Deviant Behaviour: Cybercrime as a New Social Threat. Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2024. Vol. 15. No. 4. P. 235-254DOI: EDN: HOJENAТекст статьиAbstractThe presented article considers the problem of new digital threats. The study focuses on the main trends in the development of cybercrime in Russia and its specific country features. The authors' analysis of statistical data from various departments (the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Prosecutor General's Office, Roskomnadzor) on the state and structure of crime showed that cybercrime in Russia has increased significantly in recent years, especially in the field of telecommunications and computer information. The most common types of cybercrime in Russian society are identified and analysed - various types of fraud and theft committed using information and communication technologies. For the empirical basis of the study the data of an online survey of the urban working-age population (18-60 years old), conducted by employees of the Sector of Sociology of Deviant Behaviour of the Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS using a multi-stage quota sample (March-May 2024) is used. The attitude of city residents to various types of digital crime was assessed. It was found that many respondents consider the probability of becoming a victim of cyber fraud to be high, especially with regard to the illegal use of personal data and hacking of email. It was found that the number of respondents who fear becoming a victim of cyber-crime increases with age. At the same time, these fears decrease in the oldest age groups. The level of education is also an important differentiating factor in relation to encountering cyber threats - the higher its level, the more often respondents have experience of encountering cyber crime. A survey of experts was conducted to identify the key features of cyber-crime in Russia. Specialists from various fields were involved in the examination - from deviant researchers to practitioners involved in information security and with experience in working with cyber-crime. Their forecast for the coming years is disappointing - a further increase in cyber-crime is expected, the complexity of the techniques used, including the use of artificial intelligence, and therefore the development of specialised security solutions is necessary. It is shown that the main factors in the growth of cybercrime in Russia are its dual nature, manifested in simultaneous organisational complexity and structure, on the one hand, and flexibility and adaptability, on the other. In addition, cybercrime exacerbates an important social problem - growing digital inequality. Thus, cyber-crime in Russia poses a serious threat that requires a comprehensive approach and coordinated efforts at all levels of society to effectively suppress it.Keywordsbehavior, cybercrime, information and communication technologies, cyber fraud, social engineering, computer crime, working-age urban populationReferences Anosov A. V. Modern trends in the development of digital criminology. 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