Research ArticleYuriy G. Volkov Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia ugvolkov@sfedu.ruORCID ID=0000-0001-5696-1570Citizens' Perception of Historical Justice in the Modern Socio-Cultural and Political Contexts. Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2024. Vol. 15. No. 4. P. 155-170The article was prepared within the framework of the State Assignment of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation “State-civil integration of the Russian multicultural society and adaptation practices of the population in the context of new territoriality and national policy of restoring historical justice” FENW-2023-0061 (internal number GZ0110/23-14-RG).Дата поступления статьи: 17.10.2024Topic: Problems of social integrationFor citation: Volkov Y. G. Citizens' Perception of Historical Justice in the Modern Socio-Cultural and Political Contexts. Vestnik instituta sotziologii. 2024. Vol. 15. No. 4. P. 155-170DOI: EDN: RYCUUIТекст статьи AbstractToday, Russian society is faced with the need to rethink the reality in which it has found itself, including in connection with the reunification with new territories in the south of the country, the transformation of the entire system of national and international security, the construction of new meanings and interpretations of social and political processes. Changes in the sphere of socio-political, international and economic relations occur against the background of the processes of formation of the mobilisation type of state development, requiring the development of new value models and adaptation strategies for the behaviour of the population. In such conditions, historical justice, determining the logic of interpretation of events and processes occurring in Russian society, acts as a "demarcation" line in the mass consciousness and behaviour of the country's population. Determining the specifics of citizens' perception of historical justice can serve as the basis for coordinating public interests and creating an ideological coordinate system necessary for society in conditions of crisis and value contradictions. The purpose of the study is to consider historical justice as a factor in the civil integration of the Russian post-Soviet multicultural society in the context of socio-cultural challenges. The methodological basis of the study is built on the theories of natural and historical justice. The constructivist and riskological approaches were also used in this study. Within the framework of this publication, the following fundamental blocks are considered: historical justice as a direction of the state's social policy; ethnocultural interaction in the multicultural space of the Russian post-Soviet society; the role of historical justice in the integration of the Russian post-Soviet multicultural society in the context of socio-cultural challenges. As a result of the analysis of the presented blocks, the author comes to the conclusion about the need to implement a special state policy in modern Russian society aimed at constructing and strengthening the civil integration of the Russian multicultural society on the basis of integrating narratives. Such narratives should be based on the concept of continuity of national history, and they should unfold only on the principles of the culture of socio-political and scientific dialogue. The prospects of the research are connected with further study of existing factors of civil integration of Russian society, aimed at cultivating the values of humanistic worldview of Russian post-Soviet multicultural society in the context of new socio-cultural challenges.KeywordsRussian society, historical memory, historical justice, civic integration, multiculturalism, multicultural society, post-soviet society, risk, sociocultural challengesReferences Artamonov D. S., Dydrov A. A. et al. 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